Currently in San Francisco — June 1, 2023

The weather, currently.

Partly sunny day with a breeze picking up in the afternoon

Warmer, sunnier days are finally upon us, though we may see air quality issues arise soon. Our foggy, misty marine layer tends to help remove air pollutants. But, as a high-pressure system settles in, those pollutants will continue to stick around as well. While coastal communities will probably still see some exchange, the build-up will really happen in drier, inland and valley regions.

—Priya Shukla

What you need to know, currently.

Today is the first day of Atlantic hurricane season, and also the first day of meteorological summer. After a few years of wild weather, we could really use a break.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere and oceans aren’t cooperating so far.

The National Hurricane Center has named an area of disturbed weather in the Gulf of Mexico “Invest 91L”, weather nerd speak for something that deserves closer attention by high resolution weather models to assess its chances for development into a full-fledged tropical storm or hurricane. Right now there’s just a 20% chance of that happening, so that’s good at least.

For the season as a whole, NOAA expects a near-normal season, with about 12-17 named storms, 5-9 hurricanes, and 1-4 major hurricanes.

-Eric Holthaus

What you can do, currently.

Welcome to the new-and-improved Currently!

As you might notice, the formatting and delivery of our daily newsletters has changed slightly — we’ve migrated service providers from Ghost to beehiiv so that we can bring you all the features we’ve been working for the past two years to prepare (and more!!)

If you’re a big fan of Currently, please share us with a friend! Starting today, we’re launching a referral program to give our biggest fans direct ownership of our company. We are the first weather service in the world to do this, and we’ll have much more in the coming days on our hopes and dreams for member-ownership, as well as Currently as a whole.

Thank you for taking this exciting journey with us!

—Eric Holthaus